Vacation Rental Management

Virgin Islands Services is a one-stop solution for your vacation rental management needs within St. Thomas, St.John and the other United States Virgin Islands (USVI)! Our marketing team, sales associates and technical savvy will keep your vacation rental properties booked, your guests satisfied, and your business booming – all at a lower cost to you. We offer:


Automated Bookings:

Keep your property booked year-round, without the hassle of dealing with every listing website or guest inquiry.


Stress-free Management:

We’ll keep your property tidy and guests happy, without you needing to fix the plumbing or find a housekeeper in the middle of the night!


Cost-Efficient System:

Through our automated online system, you’ll save time and money and feel at ease that your payments, bookings and deposits are handled at a low cost to you.


Automated Bookings:

We’ll advertise your property on Virgin Islands Services, as well as several other reputable listing sites (such as Airbnb, Tripadvisor, etc.). Our team of professionals will take photos and create eye-catching listings to promote your vacation rental property.

Afterwards, our sales associates will handle prospective inquiries, keeping your property booked around the clock!

Our secure, automated online system takes care of all bookings, payments, and deposits – creating a hands-free solution to keeping your property booked.


Stress-free Management:

Tired of dealing with complaints from your tenants at odd hours? You can leave the cleaning, maintenance, and inspections to us and our network of well-trained, highly-skilled professionals who can meet your guests’ needs, on-demand!

Your guests will feel welcomed and taken care of from the moment they walk through the door. We’ll provide them with support for any issues that come up throughout the day, as well as guides for how to make the most of their stay in the Virgin Islands.

Our team strives to ensure that your guests experience an excellent stay at your vacation rental property. After having such a great experience, we’ll spread their reviews and kind words throughout all our social media platforms – ensuring that your property stays booked!


Cost-Efficient System:

Our streamlined system for booking your property will keep you in the loop on payments through our reports – meaning more peace of mind for you.

We’ll save you the time of having to find staff, managing the property and collecting payments – and for all of this we’ll only charge 18% (compared to 30-50% for a more traditional route).

If you’ve been looking for a vacation rental management solution in St. John, St. Thomas, or other U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) get in touch with Virgin Island Services and we’ll create a stress-free, excellent experience for you and your guests!

Interested in learning more? Contact us today at (800) 857-2984!